Info sulla collezione

1990s Yantra Shop - Oriental Antiques

Early Yantra Collection Kathmandu, 1990s

All the objects in the collection come only from very well known art galleries in Europe and Asia. We began collecting antique Nepalese & Tibetan religious and ethnical objects and, with time, this has become our occupation.

We have lived and studied in Kathmandu (Nepal). Giovanna gained a vast knowledge of Asian Arts at the Kathmandu Tribhuvan University of Nepalese History, Culture & Archaeology. She is Yantra's resident scholar of Asian art and antiques.

We believe in an Ethical way of living and doing business, and have always run our business in the most honest and ethical way possible. As Buddhists and libertarians we are involved with Tibetan philosophy, religion and culture.

Personally, we are students and practitioners under the Fpmt (Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition).

As Collectors we run a web-based service only. We do not make business by phone or by personal appointment, we run our trades merely by Web in the most honest and friendly way. We are always very happy to get in contact with other people and collectors and to deal in a truthful and responsive way. For this reasons we also apply a full "Refund on Return" policy on any exchanged or sold item. Using these terms we never had any kind of problems with our many contacts.

We started our collector's activity in 1982 and, many years later, after a long experience and extensive studies, we have been one of the very first Oriental Art Collection website of the World Wide Web. We have been on the internet since 1997-1998, firstly with a simple test website in November 1997 and later with our web-domain very rich of item's descriptions and pictures: a suitable web reference for scholars and collectors.

For these reasons is in the very first ranking position in Google and between the firsts in any other web search engines of the world under the "Tibetan antiques" key search. We receive email requests of information almost daily.

We are linked to the main institutions and magazines of Oriental Art such as Arts of Asia or Orientation and we had many interesting reviews on international newspaper and even in a couple of TV documentaries. Various important International auctions houses have exposed our objects and we received buying requests from a pair of well known Oriental Art museums.

We are disposed to answer to any question or comment about our collection and the general subject of Tibetan culture and traditional art, anyway, as recently the number of appraisals increased, we now have to ask a Paypal contribution for any single, even informal, appraisal request by email. Please kindly contact us by email for appraisals information.

We get great satisfaction from being able to assist good people in learning about and acquiring such historically precious and spiritually important objects.

Thanks for your kind interest,


Early Collection 1994-96 Tibet art antique antiques tibetan

Early Yantra Collection Kathmandu, 1994-96